Salamanders and a Newt
There are numerous salamander species and a single newt species in New England. These vertebrates belong to the order Caudata and are found in four families.
* Mudpuppy / Necturus maculosus

A mudpuppy
Marbled salamander / Ambystoma opacum
Jefferson salamander / Ambystoma jeffersonianum
Blue spotted salamander / Ambystoma laterale
Spotted salamander / Ambystoma maculatum
Red spotted newt / Notophthalmus v. viridescens
Northern dusky salamander / Demoghnathus fuscus
Northern redback salamander / Plethodon cinereus

Northern Redback Salamander
* Northern slimy salamander / Plethodon glutinosus
Four toed salamander / Hemidactylium scutatum
Northern spring salamander / Gyrinophilus p. porphyriticus
Northern two lined salamander / Eurycea bislineata
* species with a limited range in New England
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